Head of the Lab

Rahul Mangharam, Associate Professor
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University (2008)
M.Sc., Carnegie Mellon University (2002)
B.Sc., Carnegie Mellon University (2000)
rahulm@seas.upenn.edu, Google Scholar , Researchgate, Linkedin, Website


Johannes Betz, Ph.D.
Ph.D., Technical University of Munich (2019)
M.A., Technical University of Munich (2020)
M.Sc., University of Bayreuth (2013)
B.Eng., University of Applied Science Coburg (2012)
joebetz@seas.upenn.edu, Google Scholar , Researchgate, Linkedin, Website

PhD Students

Hongrui Zheng
M.S, University of Pennsylvania (2019)
B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology (2017)
hongruiz@seas.upenn.edu, Google Scholar , Linkedin, Website

Nandan Tumu
B.S., University of Connecticut (2020)
nandant@seas.upenn.edu, Google Scholar , Linkedin, Website

Kuk Jang
M.S, Princeton University (2011)
B.S., Brown University (2009)
jangkj@seas.upenn.edu, Google Scholar , Researchgate, Linkedin

Jiyue He
M.Sc. Drexel University (2012)
B.Eng. Guangdong University of Technology (2010)
jiyuehe@seas.upenn.edu, Google Scholar , LinkedIn , Website

Zirui Zang
M.S, University of Pennsylvania (2020)
B.S. University of Rochester (2017)
zzang@seas.upenn.edu, LinkedIn

Shuo Yang
B. Eng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2021)
yangs1@seas.upenn.edu, LinkedIn

M.Sc Students

Undergraduate Students

Visiting Students


Matthew O'Kelly (PhD)
Current Position: Waymo (Research Engineer)

Achin Jain (PhD)
Amazon Web Services (Applied Scientists)

Yash V. Pant (PhD)
Current Position: University of Waterloo (Ass. Professor)

Houssam Abbas (Postdoc)
Current Position: Oregon State University (Ass. Professor)

Marco Beccani (Postdoc)
Current Position: Apple (Hardware Engineer)

Madhur Behl (PhD & Postdoc)
Current Position: University of Virginia (Ass. Professor)

Zhihao Jiang (PhD & Postdoc)
Current Position:ShanghaiTech University (Ass. Professor)

Truong X. Nghiem (PhD & Postdoc)
Current Position: Northern Arizona University (Ass. Professor)

Miroslav Pajic (PhD)
Current Position: Duke University (Assoc. Professor)